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№ 8/2012

№ 8/2012

Fìnansi Ukr. 2012 (8): 23–42


CHUKHNO Anatolii Andriiovych, LEONENKO Petro 1, YUKHYMENKO Petro 2

1State Educational and Research Organization “Academy of Financial Management”
2Bila Tserkva Institute of Economics and Management of  the University “Ukraine”

Modern institutional theory and financial science

The interconnection of modern institutionalism with financial science and practice are investigated. The essence, the role and the features of the methodology of modern institutionalism in the context of civilizational paradigm as well as its practical application in studying of financial theory and practice are explored. The issues of institutional reform in Ukraine are analyzed.

Keywords:modern institutionalism, neoinstitutionalism, methodology of modern institutionalism, finance, financial institutions, financial system, financial markets, financial science.

CHUKHNO A. A. Modern institutional theory and financial science / A. A. CHUKHNO, P. . LEONENKO, P. . YUKHYMENKO // Фінанси України. - 2012. - № 8. - C. 23-42.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 23 - 42) DownloadDownloads :680