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№ 4/2015

№ 4/2015

Fìnansi Ukr. 2015 (4): 67–85


PAVLIUK Klavdiia 1, STEPANOVA Olena 2

1SESE “The Academy of Financial Management”
OrcID ID :
2Institute for Economics and Forecasting, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences

Decentralization in healthcare financing system

At the present stage of development accompanied by economic and financial instability in the world, problems of healthcare systems functioning has exacerbated, which has led to necessity of an urgent search of optimal ways of healthcare organization and financing, in particular on the basis of decentralization. The paper deals with theoretical basis of decentralization as a direction of the social sector economy theory, its advantages and disadvantages in terms of dominance of different healthcare systems, as well as possible risks in order to identify and to assess trends and mechanisms of healthcare system decentralization in foreign countries, which is one of the elements of reformation and adaptation of their experience in construction of an appropriate to Ukrainian realities strategy. It is defined main factors of implementation of the relevant healthcare system strategy, basic forms, and level of decentralization of key functions in medical sphere. Models of decentralization of healthcare system organization and financing in foreign countries with different dominant financing mechanisms are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to recentralization processes in some European and other foreign countries. The possibility of adaptation of foreign experience to Ukrainian realities is revealed.

Keywords: decentralization, healthcare, medical care, financing, recentralization, budget system.

JEL: H50, H51, H72.

PAVLIUK K. . Decentralization in healthcare financing system / K. . PAVLIUK, O. . Stepanova // Фінанси України. - 2015. - № 4. - C. 67-85.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 67 - 85) DownloadDownloads :324