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№ 8/2018

№ 8/2018

Fìnansi Ukr. 2018 (8): 106–125



1SESE “The Academy of Financial Management”
OrcID ID :
2SESE “The Academy of Financial Management”
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Tax instruments for support education sphere in Ukraine

International tendencies in the development of the knowledge-based economy require an appropriate response to the internal challenges of Ukraine in this area. The development of the knowledge-based economy can take place only in the context of increasing the competences of human resources and the development of human capital. Accordingly, ensuring a sufficient level of investment in education and training is an important task for the government of the country that builds such a type of economy. In Ukraine, the limited budget resources make it necessary to find additional sources of funding for the educational sector. Another important factor in the need to increase sources of financing for the industry is the inequality of the amounts of education financing with developed countries, which is reinforced by the resilience of scientific staff and highly-skilled workers. One of the tools to increase the activity of business entities and households in terms of investing in education is to form an integrated program of state aid, in which the most simple and accessible tool for Ukraine is the application of tax incentives for providers and consumers of educational services. In the framework of the research, the tax instruments in support of the educational sector in Ukraine and the data of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine regarding the provision of educational tax incentives in terms of their codes and types of taxes are analyzed. In particular, the dynamics of quantitative indicators of tax exemption for education within individual income tax, educational tax deductions from value-added tax, land tax and corporate income tax are researched. Based on the data from some OECD member countries, it is determined that there is a relationship between the amount of education tax benefit and the cost of paying for educational institutions from private sources. It is proved that the application of tax incentives as a tool for the implementation of state aid requires methodological support for the calculation of budget losses as a result of their provision and an assessment of the effectiveness of the application of the end-beneficiaries of such assistance. Considering international experience, in accordance with the stated goal, a set of measures aimed at stimulating the development of human capital through the application of tax methods to support the educational sphere in Ukraine is identified.

Keywords:tax incentives, financing of education, tax deductions, state aid, educational tax incentives

JEL: H21, H52, I23, O38

OLEYNIKOVA L. . Tax instruments for support education sphere in Ukraine / L. . OLEYNIKOVA, I. Tochylina // Фінанси України. - 2018. - № 8. - C. 106-125.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 106 - 125) DownloadDownloads :618
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