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№ 10/2018

№ 10/2018

Fìnansi Ukr. 2018 (10): 28–43


PAVLIUK Klavdiia 1, KAMINSKA Olena 2

1SESE “The Academy of Financial Management”
OrcID ID :
2SESE “The Academy of Financial Management”
OrcID ID :

Methods and tools for quantitative and qualitative evaluation of scientific-research labor

The article reveals the issues of evaluating productivity and quality of research work, the solution to which affects the efficiency of the scientific and innovative system of the country, that is a task of great importance for today . The definition of high-quality science is necessary to ensure the progress of science in order to ultimately solve economic and social problems. In the process of evaluating research work alongside with expert conclusions, the scientometric and bibliometric methods used to quantify scientific activity play an important role, influencing the allocation of financial resources. Relying on authoritative databases a comparison of expenditures on science in developed countries with the number of publications in these countries is made, and a clear correlation between these values is revealed. The use of such a tool as the impact factor to determine the quality of scientific publications, its advantages and disadvantages are considered. A more objective information on the scientific results of a research institution or an individual scientist is given by the h-index, which is also proposed to be calculated as an alternative indicator for assessing scientific influence of journals. The potential of known databases as a source of evaluation of scientific results in various fields of knowledge is considered. It is concluded that the most acceptable source of bibliographic data for assessing performance and quality of scientific research in the socio-humanitarian field is Google Scholar which provides the systematization of all publication activity of researchers from open sources on a grant basis, which makes it possible to transparently review and finance. The best way to assess productivity in science is to combine qualitative (expert) methods and quantitative (bibliometric) indicators. Greater productivity and the quality of research must be stimulated accordingly.

Keywords:science, productivity, evaluation, bibliometric methods, expert methods, databases, research incentives

JEL: І22, І23, І25, І28

PAVLIUK K. . Methods and tools for quantitative and qualitative evaluation of scientific-research labor / K. . PAVLIUK, O. Kaminska // Фінанси України. - 2018. - № 10. - C. 28-43.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 28 - 43) DownloadDownloads :562
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