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№ 4/2019

№ 4/2019

Fìnansi Ukr. 2019 (4): 32–51


DROBIAZKO Anatolii 1, LYUBICH Oleksandr 2, SVISTUN Andriy 3

1SESE “The Academy of Financial Management”
OrcID ID :
2SESE “The Academy of Financial Management”
OrcID ID :
3Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
OrcID ID :

Analysis of the effectiveness of investments in banks with state participation in capital in 2018

The banking system of Ukraine has shown profitable activity after four years of losses, according to the results of 2018. Ukraine's economy emerged from recession showing 3.3% growth. The four largest banks with State participation control the greater half of the net assets of the banking system. This is due to the removal of such a factor of financial destabilization as the nationalization of PrivatBank, the largest bank in the country with State participation in the capital. The article analyses the financial model of the Bank through the calculation of the oncoming financial flows from households, corporate customers, counterparties in the interbank and international markets and public institutions. The key parameter estimation of financial model is the operating income, which consists of the amount of formed reserves and the declared profit. The return on public investments in the banks by the year 2018, compared with the banks with the participation of private and foreign capital, is calculated. Changes in the improvement of the situation in the banking sector in general and in banks with State participation in the capital in particular are outlined. The authors make suggestions for improving the legislative framework for the banking business in Ukraine in 2019. The instruments to deal with toxic assets in the sale of the rights requirements on problem loans at a discount have been significantly limited for banks in the public sector compared with the private sector, which makes clear the balance of non-performing loans. Financial results of 2018 are reassuring that State banks have profitable activities, but the quality of the financial outcome may not be satisfactory. Therefore, the bank's management system needs further institutional development.

Keywords:banks with State participation in the capital, a bank financial model, monitoring of banks’ activity, lending to the real sector of the economy, profitability of banking activity, operating profit of banking activity

JEL: E22, E52, E58, G21, G28

DROBIAZKO A. . Analysis of the effectiveness of investments in banks with state participation in capital in 2018 / A. . DROBIAZKO, O. . Lyubich, A. Svistun // Фінанси України. - 2019. - № 4. - C. 32-51.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 32 - 51) DownloadDownloads :268
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