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№ 2/2021

№ 2/2021

Fìnansi Ukr. 2021 (2): 7–25



1SESE “The Academy of Financial Management”
OrcID ID :

Critical infrastructure and financial security

The article defines the meaning of the concept of "critical infrastructure". It is proposed to interpret it in the theoretical aspect (in terms of importance in the infrastructure as a whole and to ensure the development of the country), as well as for the use in regulation and management decisions. Particular attention is paid to determining the functional purpose of critical infrastructure, the characteristics of the criticality of its elements, as well as determining their effects on economic development and financial security. Issues related to the application of measures to support the development and protection of critical infrastructure by public administration are covered. Approaches to the classification of the main components of critical infrastructure, determining their criticality and functional purposes in foreign countries are identified. The issues of carrying out purposeful activities to determine and adopt national priorities for the development and protection of critical infrastructure, implementation of state programs and medium-term plans for their implementation are revealed. Attention is drawn to the need to clearly define the content and components of critical infrastructure in Ukraine, as well as the development and adoption of the necessary regulations that guide public administration bodies to apply them in practice. It is noted that the solution to such problems is intensified in connection with the fight against the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, which requires changes in the components of critical infrastructure, the application of additional measures to maintain its functionality and at the same time strengthen financial security.

Keywords:critical infrastructure, critical infrastructure objects, critical infrastructure protection, risks of critical infrastructure development, financial security, fiscal rules, state borrowings

JEL: F52, H54, H56

Kudrjashov V. . Critical infrastructure and financial security / V. . Kudrjashov // Фінанси України. - 2021. - № 2. - C. 7-25.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 7 - 25) DownloadDownloads :87
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