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№ 4/2021

№ 4/2021

Fìnansi Ukr. 2021 (4): 24–47


DANYLENKO Anatolij 1

1Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine
OrcID ID :

Specifics of investment policy in the Ukraine real sector

A significant part of Ukrainian exports are raw materials and low-level-processed products as shown both by statistical data and conclusions made by researchers. The main exporters are agricultural and metallurgical enterprises, and mining industries. While economic preconditions for exports of agricultural commodities are known in general, the precondition for exports of ferrous metallurgy products are yet to be looked into in the separate research. Therefore, the article aims to define specifics of investment policy of Ukraine and realization of Ukrainian products, inter alia in ferrous metallurgy upon privatization; building own fixed capital through mergers and acquisition of assets of other companies and opportunities for mitigation of investment risks through this process; movement of financial funds, especially for investment purposes at the enterprises; gradual increase in exports of ferrous commodities; introduction of mandatory promotion of exports of innovative products and possible counter-incentives for exports of raw materials.

Keywords:investment policy, privatization, modernization, new enterprises, mergers and acquisitions, risks, return, building up investment and working capital, promoting exports

JEL: E22, F21, G11, H54

Danylenko A. . Specifics of investment policy in the Ukraine real sector / A. . Danylenko // Фінанси України. - 2021. - № 4. - C. 24-47.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 24 - 47) DownloadDownloads :70
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