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№ 5/2021

№ 5/2021

Fìnansi Ukr. 2021 (5): 97–110


NYKYFOROV Anatolii 1

1Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
OrcID ID :

Budget efficiency of tax incentives for innovative activity

The article is devoted to the topical issues of determining the budget effectiveness of the use of tax incentives for innovation. The conceptual difference between “budgetary effect” and “budget efficiency” has been defined. A reasonable criterion of the budgetary effect, which is proposed to calculate as the difference between financial results of innovation and expenditures (temporary budget losses) to stimulate innovation. The method of justifying the budgetary effect of tax incentives for innovation by applying an increased standard of write-offs on the cost of spending on scientific and scientific and technical works has been proposed. The proposed methodology uses a recursive model for calculating tax revenues starting with the development of innovative products, which occurs as a result of the reinvestment by the subject of innovation in the first stage – savings from tax cuts, in the second and subsequent stages – the said savings and part of the increase in profits. The increments of investment resources of the subject of innovation and budget revenues are determined taking into account the factor of time of their receipt by the method of discounting. The budgetary effect is proposed to assess during the regulatory period of return on investment. The article contains a logical illustration of the recursive model of tax revenues and the calculation formula. Based on the data of the innovative enterprise, the indicators of the budget effect, the internal rate of budget revenue and the payback period of its losses, which arise due to the introduction of an increased rate of write-off for the cost of scientific and scientific-technical works have been calculated . It is recommended when making decisions on the feasibility of tax incentives for innovation to take into account the stimulating function of taxes, which is manifested in increased motivation of entrepreneurs to innovate. Keywords: taxes, tax policy, innovation, budget efficiency.

Keywords:taxes, tax policy, innovation, budget efficiency

JEL: O38, Y10, Z18

Nykyforov A. . Budget efficiency of tax incentives for innovative activity / A. . Nykyforov // Фінанси України. - 2021. - № 5. - C. 97-110.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 97 - 110) DownloadDownloads :107
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