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№ 11/2021

№ 11/2021

Fìnansi Ukr. 2021 (11): 38–44


OLIYNYK Danyila 1

1National Institute for Strategic Studies
OrcID ID :

Forming a data ecosystem: international experience of infrastructure asset management

Based on the research conducted on the European policy of data ecosystem formation, the feasibility of regulatory alignment of the components of the digital ecosystem model in Ukraine to measure and control the parameters on economic sustainability is substantiated. The article presents the approaches of the EU, international standardization organizations and scientists to understanding the essence of the data ecosystem, identifies factors that impact the complexity of network assets administration on the example of infrastructure assets. Emphasis is placed on ensuring sustainability and assurance of existing network infrastructure assets throughout their lifecycle. The problems of digital transformation related to the increasing strain on all infrastructure systems, which are solved by the model of network infrastructure formation, are outlined. The need to accelerate the introduction of semantic technologies in IoT, in particular artificial intelligence, which expands the possibilities of data analysis and control and support of economic indicators of the state and the creation of added value in production and services, is justified.

Keywords:data ecosystem, infrastructure assets, digital transformation, digital added value

JEL: C82, H54

OLIYNYK D. . Forming a data ecosystem: international experience of infrastructure asset management / D. . OLIYNYK // Фінанси України. - 2021. - № 11. - C. 38-44.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 38 - 44) DownloadDownloads :85
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