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№ 11/2021

№ 11/2021

Fìnansi Ukr. 2021 (11): 62–73



1Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
OrcID ID :

Conceptual problems of the development of interdisciplinary research in the field of international economic relations

In the context of the current Ukrainian realities, given its place, the significance and role in the geo-economic space from the standpoint of economic security the issue of high-quality provision of research in the area of international economic relations and, consequently, training of scientists and researchers in this field is acute. The article discusses the prerequisites and substantiates the need to find a mechanism for improving teaching methods, enhancing the effectiveness of forms and methods of teaching and research based on an interdisciplinary approach, search and development of new theories. The step-by-step algorithm of training / formation of scientists, characteristic features of the current stage of scientific research, communication and cooperation environment, specifics of training doctors of philosophy on the basis of competence approach is analyzed as well as the problems of terminological casuistry, quality of scientific publications, search for topical themes aimed at addressing a number of issues related to increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian science in the area of international economic relations with a practical focus on strengthening Ukraine's position on the current geoeconomic chessboard. The purpose of the article is to study the prerequisites for reconfiguring the format of scientific research, enriching the research methodology, filling it with interdisciplinary tools.

Keywords:research methodology, quality of training, research scientists, interdisciplinarity of research, inter-scientific integration, academic honesty, competence, international economic relations, international economist

JEL: I21, I23

LUTSYSHYN Z. . Conceptual problems of the development of interdisciplinary research in the field of international economic relations / Z. . LUTSYSHYN // Фінанси України. - 2021. - № 11. - C. 62-73.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 62 - 73) DownloadDownloads :99
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