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№ 12/2021

№ 12/2021

Fìnansi Ukr. 2021 (12): 34–51



1SHEE “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”
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2Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
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3Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
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Risk-oriented concept of accounting of state-owned enterprises under IFRS

The new rise of the scientific and technological revolution of the 80s of the twentieth century necessitated a change in the priorities of cost control in the production sphere to technological business processes, and in the financial sphere - from generalized indicators of liquidity, solvency and others to business processes ( financial activities are risks, reserves, hedging, insurance, etc). To manage these business processes, they must be planned (budgeted), accounted for, analyzed, controlled and regulated. The business process is a complex object of management, and, consequently, accounting, without which it is impossible to provide this management. The creation of complex accounting objects has necessitated the use of engineering approaches, methods, and techniques. Due to this, this new direction of accounting development is called accounting engineering. For these reasons, the current rules, procedures and methods of organizing accounting policy, a modern Ukrainian enterprise, require further expansion and improvement. In operational production activities in management accounting it is advisable to introduce a classification of business processes as objects of management and accounting, which include: 1) planning (budgeting), 2) accounting for direct cost, 3) analysis, 4 ) new registers of analytical accounting. Financial activities can include: classification of business processes, 2) a new work plan of consolidated mega-accounts and the economic content of the current balance sheet, 3) new monitoring transformation accounting registers - “derivative balance sheets” for specific purposes (“on risk activities” - actual and forecast; probability of bankruptcy, opportunities for innovation, etc.). These innovations require the expansion and addition of the following functions of the current accounting policy, in part: 1) principles - the principle of forecasting; probability of bankruptcy; 2) management methods - “brainstorming”; 3) organizational - outsourcing, “cloud” technologies; 4) procedures - the procedure for documenting and document management and accounting for complex business processes.

Keywords:accounting policy, mechanisms and tools of accounting engineering, objects, principles, procedures, methods, ways, receptions

JEL: M41, M48

GNYLYTSKA L. . Risk-oriented concept of accounting of state-owned enterprises under IFRS / L. GNYLYTSKA, I. . Parasiy-Vergunenko, K. Bezverkhiy // Фінанси України. - 2021. - № 12. - C. 34-51.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 34 - 51) DownloadDownloads :83
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