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№ 8/2022

№ 8/2022

Fìnansi Ukr. 2022 (8): 72–89


RIEPINA Inna 1, SADOVNYK Oleksandr 2, CHABAN Vitalii 3

1Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
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2Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
OrcID ID :
3Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
OrcID ID :

Dynamic analysis of the impact of scientific and innovative activities on the formation of gross added value in Ukraine

Introduction. Factors such as scientific and innovative activities exert a significant impact on the development of national economies and the formation of individual macro indicators. However, today in Ukraine they have not yet become stimulators of economic growth and need to be updated.
Problem Statement. With the help of modern methodological tools, the level of influence of scientific and innovative activities on the formation of gross added value in Ukraine has been studied, which proves the importance of these types of activities in ensuring the sustainable development of the state.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to assess the impact of scientific and innovative activities on the formation of gross added value -one of the key indicators of the country's economic development.
Methods. General scientific and special methods are used: statistical - for researching indicators of scientific and innovative activity; comparison - for comparing indicators of scientific and innovative activity in Ukraine and developed countries of the world; correlation-regression analysis for assessing the impact of scientific and innovative components on gross added value; scientific generalization and systematization - for identifying areas of activation of innovative activity.
Results. It has been determined that, compared to developed countries, the lack of financial resources for scientific research (R&D) explains the causes of many problems of domestic science, and the level of innovative activity of industrial enterprises in Ukraine is insufficient. Applying the method of correlation-regression analysis, it has been established that the greatest impact on the formation of gross added value is caused by indicators such as the number of innovatively active industrial enterprises as well as the number of employees involved in the implementation of R&D.
Conclusions. Solving the problems that inhibit the innovative development of the national economy requires the synergy of the state, business and research environment. Taking into account the level of economic development, the state of scientific and innovative activity, efforts should be focused on priority innovative projects in selected industries and on the formation of a cluster of innovative technologies.

Keywords:economic development, gross added value, innovations, scientific and innovative activity, correlation-regression analysis, activation of innovative activity

JEL: E20, O12, O33, P44, R11

Riepina I. . Dynamic analysis of the impact of scientific and innovative activities on the formation of gross added value in Ukraine / I. Riepina, O. Sadovnyk, V. Chaban // Фінанси України. - 2022. - № 8. - C. 72-89.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 72 - 89) DownloadDownloads :75
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