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№ 10/2022

№ 10/2022

Fìnansi Ukr. 2022 (10): 34–43



1West Ukrainian National University
OrcID ID :
2West Ukrainian National University
OrcID ID :

Tax policy in the context of stabilization of energy markets

Introduction. The tax policy of Ukraine is currently in a state of adaptation to the conditions of combating the risks of martial law. The situation worsened due to the full-scale Russian invasion and destruction of energy infrastructure facilities. Such fluctuations are especially sharp during periods of increased energy consumption.
Problem Statement. Stabilization of energy markets based on the effective use of tax regulation means is an extremely urgent task today, which requires the latest justification and the formation of adequate prospects for Ukraine. In this context, the global practice of tax incentives for the rational use of energy resources in conditions of crisis transformations is also important.
Purpose. The goal is to determine directions for improving tax policy in the context of stimulating the effective use of energy resources with the aim of stabilizing the socio-economic system.
Methods. General scientific and special methods are used: analysis, synthesis, grouping, description, comparison, graphic representation, theoretical generalization and systematization.
Results. Electricity is a basic branch of the national economy, the effective functioning of which is interpreted as a necessary condition for the stabilization of economic processes and structural transformations of social trends in the country. It is substantiated that the pace of Ukraine's exit from the crisis situation will largely depend on the stable and reliable functioning of the energy industry. It was emphasized that the tax policy toolkit plays a priority role in stabilizing the energy system of the state. Monitoring of current aspects and methods of tax incentives for effective use of energy resources in global fiscal practice was carried out. The diagnosis of the state of energy facilities in Ukraine was carried out and attention was focused on the priorities of the development of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency measures. On the basis of a comparative analysis of the organizational and legal provision of tax incentives for alternative sources of electricity in Ukraine, a range of optimization measures has been systematized. It is noted that the investment tax credit plays a priority role in the stabilization of energy markets in the conditions of post-war recovery and development of Ukraine.
Conclusions. Proposals for increasing the efficiency of tax regulation of energy markets in the perspective of stimulating alternative sources of electricity as a priority stabilization direction of socio-economic processes are substantiated. Recommendations are made regarding the improvement of procedures for the administration of certain taxes and fees in the context of reducing the tax burden for business entities that receive profit from the implementation of energy-saving measures and the implementation of energy-efficient projects.

Keywords:tax policy, electricity taxation, tax incentives, energy security, investment tax credit, stabilization of energy markets

JEL: H30, E62, Q42

Desiatniuk O. . Tax policy in the context of stabilization of energy markets / O. Desiatniuk, F. Tkachyk // Фінанси України. - 2022. - № 10. - C. 34-43.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 34 - 43) DownloadDownloads :62
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