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№ 10/2022

№ 10/2022

Fìnansi Ukr. 2022 (10): 115–125



1National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»
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Comparative analysis of the form of financial reporting "Balance sheet" for small and medium-sized enterprises

Introduction. The role of financial and economic information as a system of financial indicators is determined by the influence on the reasoning and decision-making of users. Small enterprises have a significant impact on the functioning of the national economy, providing it with the necessary flexibility in market conditions and partially solving social problems in society. Therefore, the issue of evaluating the performance indicators of such enterprises, the characteristics of organizational and structural aspects in the construction of interaction with other economic entities, is updated, which requires the settlement of a number of issues regarding the consideration of their specificities in the formation of accounting processes and reporting procedures.
Problem Statement. Thorough study of issues related to the accumulation of information data, their systematization and arrangement in the form of financial and other reporting.
Purpose of the article is to provide a description of the financial reporting forms prepared and submitted by medium, small and micro enterprises; to highlight the main regulatory legal acts in the field of regulation of requirements and the procedure for drawing up financial statements by the specified groups of enterprises; to carry out a structural analysis of individual components of the financial reports of \"Balance\" according to forms No. 1, No. 1-m and No. 1-ms, within which - to determine uniform approaches to the formation of these reports and to ascertain the differences regarding the regulatory aspect, presentation format, display of descriptive data, articles
Results. A comparative analysis of the form of financial reporting \"Balance\" prepared by medium and small enterprises of Ukraine was conducted. In accordance, a description of the main provisions and elements of Form No. 1, Form No. 1-m and Form No. 1-ms prepared and submitted by medium, small and micro enterprises, respectively, was provided; unified approaches to the formation of these reports, their structure, and the differences regarding the regulatory aspect, report submission format, display of descriptive data, and individual articles were revealed; the main regulatory legal acts in the field of regulation of requirements and the procedure for drawing up financial statements by small and medium-sized businesses are summarized.
Conclusions. The maximum effect from operations related to the transformation of financial information can be achieved under the condition of clear, thorough, structured work with variable financial reporting data. Orientation in different forms of the same type in relation to different groups of enterprises is especially in demand for those specialists who carry out a thorough assessment of the performance indicators of enterprises, which may affect the need to change the classification group from small to medium or vice versa, while simultaneously taking into account the new form of the report for subsequent reporting periods.

Keywords:financial reporting, balance sheet, small and medium-sized enterprises, structure, articles, accounting

JEL: D80, D83, L15, L29, М40, M41

Koliesnichenko A. . Comparative analysis of the form of financial reporting "Balance sheet" for small and medium-sized enterprises / A. Koliesnichenko // Фінанси України. - 2022. - № 10. - C. 115-125.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 115 - 125) DownloadDownloads :42
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