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№ 12/2022

№ 12/2022

Fìnansi Ukr. 2022 (12): 42–55



1Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Research ID :
OrcID ID :
2Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
OrcID ID :

Approaches to the management of the business portfolio of the electronic payment systems

Introduction. The current level of development of financial technologies involves the active digitization of the economy, which includes a constant development of existing and emergence of new payment systems based on modern fintech achievements.
Problem Statement. For successful activities and development of electronic business, companies should use electronic payment systems, and manage their effective portfolio to fully satisfy needs and requests of their customers. For this purpose, it is necessary to analyze the existing systems and choose a portfolio that will be optimal for each specific company.
Purpose. To carry out the analysis of existing approaches to managing business portfolio of electronic payment systems to provide recommendations on determining its optimal structure.
Methods. Common scientific methods were used in the research process: dialectical method of scientific knowledge, analysis and synthesis, historical and logical approaches, comparative analysis.
Results. There are several main types of electronic payment systems, and their list is constantly expanding due to the emergence of new financial technologies. Every company operating in the field of e-commerce uses electronic payment systems, but it is simply not possible to be a member of all systems available on the market. This means that in order to be successful, a company should form an effective EPS business portfolio that will allow it to attract the maximum number of clients and obtain the greatest profit. For this, the company not only should choose such a set of EPSs that requires the least costs and the greatest efficiency, but also take into account the preferences and wishes of its customers, since they are the main consumers of services. An irrational and inappropriately selected EPS portfolio can lead to the loss of a certain number of customers who, for one reason or another, will not want to use the EPS offered by the company. Also, the firm should choose only the most secure and safe EPSs, i.e. in no case prefer a lower cost if it will suffer from cyber security and data protection issues.
Conclusions. The main types of electronic payment systems offered on the market are considered, the main requirements for payment systems from companies are determined, the features of payment systems that determine the effectiveness of their use for companies, as well as consumer requirements for electronic payment systems are highlighted. It has been established that the formation of the optimal portfolio of EPSs which will be used by the company is possible due to the combination of the efficiency criteria put forward by the company, as well as the criteria of consumer preferences, and the selection of systems that will meet all these criteria at the same time.

Keywords:electronic payment systems (EPS), EPS portfolio management, EPS typology, EPS business portfolio formation

JEL: E42

Zatonatska T. . Approaches to the management of the business portfolio of the electronic payment systems / T. . Zatonatska, O. Volvach // Фінанси України. - 2022. - № 12. - C. 42-55.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 42 - 55) DownloadDownloads :82
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