№ 2/2023№ 2/2023 | Fìnansi Ukr. 2023 (2): 53–70https://doi.org/10.33763/finukr2023.02.053 | LOCAL FINANCE STORONIANSKA Iryna 1, BENOVSKA Liliya 2, MEDYNSKA Tetyana 3 1SI “Institute of regional research named after M. I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine OrcID ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0237-1409 2SI "Institute of Regional Reseach named after M. I. Dolishniy jf the NAS of Ukraine" OrcID ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6987-5724 3Lviv University of Trade and Economics, Research ID : http://www.researcherid.com/rid/F-6372-2019 OrcID ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7998-4107
System of financial equalization in Ukraine under modern challenges: main problems and directions for their solution
Introduction. The introduction of a new equalization system in Ukraine is faced with problems related to the inconsistency of the redistribution of resources and powers between state, regional and local authorities, the instability and inconsistency of legislative innovations, the unreasonableness of the calculation of the tax capacity index, etc.
Problem Statement. The existence of significant economic and financial imbalances in the development of the territories of Ukraine necessitates the search for an optimal model of financial equalization. This question is actualized in the conditions of modern challenges.
Purpose. To identify the main problems of the financial equalization system in Ukraine and to find ways of their solving..
Methods. In the research process such methods as structural-logical, comparative analysis, systematic approach, historical and statistical and others were used.
Results. It was found that the domestic model of financial equalization should be identified as a combination of three components: vertical equalization through split taxes; horizontal equalization of the fiscal capacity of budgets and equalization by expenditures through a set of targeted transfers.The article identifies the main problems of financial equalization, namely: the calculation of the index of the tax capacity of territorial communities, which is based only on income from one tax (personal income tax), does not ensure a fair distribution; the inclusion of personal income tax at the place of registration of business entities helps to strengthen the differentiation between the center and the periphery; the predominance of targeted transfers reduces the independence of local self-government bodies in decision-making; poor use of expenditure equalization tools has led to significant imbalances in the ability of communities to provide public services.
Conclusions. The solution to the mentioned problems is proposed by: implementing the mechanism of personal income tax crediting to local budgets by place of residence, and not by place of work of individual payers; calculation of the tax capacity index, taking into account the entire volume of tax revenues to the general fund of local budgets; the growth of the share of untargeted transfers in the structure of the system of financial equalization of territories in Ukraine and others. Keywords:local budgets, financial equalization, fiscal capacity, budget expenditures, inter-budget transfers JEL: G18, H62, H77
STORONIANSKA I. . System of financial equalization in Ukraine under modern challenges: main problems and directions for their solution / I. STORONIANSKA, L. Benovska, T. Medynska // Фінанси України. - 2023. - № 2. - C. 53-70. Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 53 - 70) | Download | Downloads :220 | 1. Idsø, J., Årethun, T., & Bhatta, B. P. (2018). The Income Equalization System among Municipalities in Norway: Strengths and Implications. Economies, 6 (2). Ddoi.org/10.3390/economies6020034
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