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№ 5/2014

№ 5/2014

Fìnansi Ukr. 2014 (5): 29–47



1SI “Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”
OrcID ID :
2SI “Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”

Financial and economic levers of natural resources’ capitalization in the context of providing the profitable use of natural resources

Forming in Ukraine modem economic systems, focused on the concept of self-organization of territories, objectively require a paradigm shift in the management of natural resources in the direction of ensuring their effective financial and economic use. The key idea, advocated by the authors, is to determine the path of sustainable development based on project forms of natural resources management through nonlinear algorithmization of targeted steps to achieve the goal activation of reproduction processes in the plane of the object-oriented approach. Has been shown that economic activity needs updating organizational forms. Has been outlined the role and place of the financial and economic component in the capitalization of natural resources on the basis of definition their profitable opportunities. The mechanisms that ensure the implementation of natural resources in the financial sector has been determined. In this case, has been focused on the matter of providing to natural resources financial forms and ensure their effective passing through adequate financial infrastructure. Specified that natural resources significantly affects on improving the efficiency of the financial system. In order to promoting the introduction of new assets into financial system provided proposals for the creation of appropriate conditions, including clear specification of property rights, with differentiation of partial competency; introduction into the regulation of the natural-resource relations restrictions and protective mechanisms; modernizing legislation on collateral and securitization; formation of a liquid market; providing economic agents with resources; guarantee of passing the resources throughout infrastructure

Keywords: capitalization, natural resources, financial sector, financial and economic levers, profitable use of natural resources, territorial economic systems, sustainable development

JEL: Q50, Q56, Q57, Q58

KHVESYK M. . Financial and economic levers of natural resources’ capitalization in the context of providing the profitable use of natural resources / M. . KHVESYK, I. . BYSTRIAKOV // Фінанси України. - 2014. - № 5. - C. 29-47.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 29 - 47) DownloadDownloads :224