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№ 9/2015

№ 9/2015

Fìnansi Ukr. 2015 (9): 78–95



1SHEE “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”
OrcID ID :

Corporate finance as a dominant of financial science

During the last decade, corporate finance has been developing under the influence of globalization. Domestic financial science often ignores current trends in corporate finance, research methods for studying financial processes and new research directions. With a number of objective and subjective reasons finance companies in Ukraine today are often regarded as the “appendage” to the public finances resulting from the financial dominance of post-soviet financial school. In this paper the essence of corporate finance is substantiated as a dominant financial science, priority directions of research in this area are defined and the prospects for the development of the theory and practice in Ukraine are outlined. It is systematized corporate finance functions, as: formation of financial resources, their distribution, control over the efficient creation and allocation (usage) of resources, transformation of investors’ preferences in settings of capital function influence on the behavior of financial relations, value creation and transfer of information. The expediency of singling out financial science research areas that are fixed in the updated passport of respective specialty is substantiated. It is formulated the distinction between substantive research field of post school finance companies and modern corporate finance. It is determined that the task of micro finance is the study of financial solutions in the corporate sector, including determining the most suitable forms and methods of business financing, formulating criteria for effective investment, development of appropriate assessment tools of financial and investment risks.

Keywords: corporate finance, behavioral finance, controlling, investment companies, value-oriented management, the capital of undertakings, the price of raising capital.

JEL: G22, G24, Q16.

ZYMOVETS V. . Corporate finance as a dominant of financial science / V. . ZYMOVETS, O. . Tereshhenko // Фінанси України. - 2015. - № 9. - C. 78-95.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 78 - 95) DownloadDownloads :1147
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