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№ 8/2016

№ 8/2016

Fìnansi Ukr. 2016 (8): 9–



1SESE “Academy of Financial Management”
OrcID ID :

Conceptual approaches to science funding mechanisms’ development

A systematic and institutional approach to innovations involves the accumulation of knowledge, changes in policy, behavior and management. Economic development is accompanied by the evolution of institutions, technologies, structures and production configurations. The adoption of national legislation in the field of science, scientific and technical activities will raise the level of science organization in Ukraine to the world standards. The implementation of new ideas and inventions, the prospects for contry`s technological leadership require transformation in funding mechanisms. The resources for basic research should be maintained, despite the fact that their effectiveness is focused mainly on future periods. At the same time, applied science research should target adequate assessment of the current performance with further use of modern partnership forms of fiscal support from government, businesses and professional community.

Keywords:science, business, funding mechanisms, innovative development, uncertainties, risks, recession, reform, fiscal levers, Keynesian doctrine of financial support.

JEL: E12, I23, O31, O32, O38.

Iefymenko T. . Conceptual approaches to science funding mechanisms’ development / T. . Iefymenko // Фінанси України. - 2016. - № 8. - C. 9-.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 9 - 23) DownloadDownloads :685
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