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№ 4/2017

№ 4/2017

Fìnansi Ukr. 2017 (4): 55–74



1State Educational and Research Organization “Academy of Financial Management”
2SHEE “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”
OrcID ID :
3Bila Tserkva Institute of Economics and Management of  the University “Ukraine”

Milestones of financial science development: problem methodology

The article is a kind of introduction to a series of publications united by one ideology and the idea of revealing the genesis, evolution and formation of financial science, general and national specifics in its development. The authors make an attempt to recreate in general form a single integrated panorama of financial science from its beginnings to the present. The article in focus is devoted to general methodological problems of periodization of financial science. The authors analyze the latest national and international research approaches to such periodization. The classification and scientific limitations of the division of their development into two stages (classical and neoclassical theories) are revealed. It is proved that this approach offers the possibility of one-sided concentration of research effort on the development of financial concepts of the neoclassical mainstream and their application as a theoretical basis for the financial policy of the state. The authors determine and substantiate criteria for a new periodization of formation, development and evolution of financial idea, according to which five stages of its historical development are identified. The proposed periodization is based on general criteria (the stage of the state’s development, commodity-monetary and financial relations, etc.) and specific criteria (the distinction between the concepts of “financial idea”, “financial theory”, “financial analysis”, theoretical concepts of J. A. Schumpeter’s classical periods and classical situations, T. Kuhn’s scientific revolutions and scientific paradigms, I. Lakatos’ competing research programs, changes in the understanding of key categories). It is shown that these stages are characterized by a certain correlation of the directions of economic and financial sciences, the formation of paradigmatic basis for research and development of practical recommendations, successive changes in scientific paradigms (research programs), competitiveness and “synthesis” tendencies.

Keywords:financial idea, financial concept, financial analysis, scientific directions, paradigmatic changes.

JEL: E60, H00.

LEONENKO P. . Milestones of financial science development: problem methodology / P. . LEONENKO, V. . Fedosov, P. . YUKHYMENKO // Фінанси України. - 2017. - № 4. - C. 55-74.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 55 - 74) DownloadDownloads :1321
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