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№ 1/2021

№ 1/2021

Fìnansi Ukr. 2021 (1): 117–126



1National Institute for Strategic Studies

Financial provision of Poland’s social insurance: security aspect

The article analyzes the general principles of financial security of social insurance in the Republic of Poland under the prism of economic security of the state. Attention is paid to social priorities, which are indicators of democratization of the country, the need to develop a deep understanding of the social system as its driving force. Design models of financial provision of social insurance civilized Western world can be a way to build a European state, which formed the basis of insurance in Ukraine. Using projected national capacity to change the social insurance system in Ukraine does not always find confirmation of its effectiveness. Therefore, in practice, is a valuable experience for us close mentality of countries, including the practice of social insurance in Poland. Provided formed their own development potential of the social priorities of stimulating the experience of others to accelerate the European integration processes, promote the establishment of friendly relations with foreign partners. Stress on the analysis of the system of financing social security in Polish Republic interesting that detailed income and expenditure for payments that are financed by the Fund, that it comes to payments from the pension fund of fund disease and to fund accidents and family benefits payments health care and unemployment benefits. Separately, there are benefits from social insurance for farmers. Noted that the basis for social insurance in the Republic of Poland rests justice as a fundamental component of all democratic processes: interest rates for contributions for social and pension insurance are the same for all insured.

Keywords:financial security, economic security, pension fund, insurance premiums, Republic of Poland, European integration

JEL: I38, J26

Тokarskyi T. . Financial provision of Poland’s social insurance: security aspect / T. Тokarskyi // Фінанси України. - 2021. - № 1. - C. 117-126.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 117 - 126) DownloadDownloads :71
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