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№ 5/2016

№ 5/2016

Fìnansi Ukr. 2016 (5): 57–


BARANOVSKY Oleksandr 1

1SESE “The Academy of Financial Management”
OrcID ID :


This article identifies approaches of researchers to characterizing security levels by comparing the actual value of a specific indicator on a certain date with the respective value of an approved or accepted indicator or by conducting a multidimensional assessment. Particular emphasis is placed on the need to determine an unacceptable zone of reliability level, stabilization (risk) zone and zone of full realization of vital interests of people, society and the state. Characteristics of indicators of economic security are presented. The article makes a strong case for the need to identify critical (threshold) values for the purpose of timely detection of a build-up of crisis and of obtaining the government approved status by quantitative indicators whose enforcement should be an obligatory element of government economic programs. Requirements for these indicators are defined. Approaches to the calculation of threshold values for describing individual components of financial reliability are analyzed. A list of quantitative and qualitative stock market competitiveness indicators that are in line with the requirements of national financial reliability is presented; indicators of operational reliability of the stock market and their threshold values are stated. The importance and approaches to the development of indicators of financial reliability of the stock market are examined; their threshold values are determined; and their list and quantitative assessment are given. Indicators of investment reliability of the national stock market are singled out; functions of stock indices are addressed. Approaches to the evaluation of financial reliability of securities, especially the distinctive features of stock indices are characterized. The author presents his own list of financial reliability indicators of the stock market and provides calculations of their level for Ukraine.

Keywords:stock market, financial security, indicators of economic security, indicators of financial security, stock indices, reliability of stocks.

JEL: G20, G28.


Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 57 - 81) DownloadDownloads :277
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