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№ 11/2016

№ 11/2016

Fìnansi Ukr. 2016 (11): 11–0


IEFYMENKO Tetiana 1, LOVINSKA Ljudmyla 2

1SESE “Academy of Financial Management”
OrcID ID :
2Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
OrcID ID :

Accounting reform in Ukraine in the context of cooperation with the United Nations

The article gives a comprehensive overview of the features of accounting reform in Ukraine in the corporate and public sector in the context of monitoring the implementation, compliance and enforcement of international standards of accounting, reporting and auditing. The authors analyzes the main directions of reforming the preparation of accounting information by public sector entities: introduction of the national accounting provisions (standards) to the public sector, training of financial statement compilers, monitoring the efficiency of implementation of innovations, the main risks associated with the presentation of reliable information and reforming the preparation and presentation of reports. The basic prerequisites for the development of financial reporting in the context of globalization are analyzed. The importance of the development of corporate sector in Ukraine and features of its development are highlighted. The role of international organizations in implementing reforms in accounting and reporting is defined. The author undertakes a chronological review of certain aspects of cooperation between Ukraine and the United Nations (The Conference on Trade and Development), in particular, the creation and improvement of guidance in the field of monitoring of compliance and enforcement for high-quality corporate reporting (MC&E). The importance of capacity assessment for high-quality corporate reporting in Ukraine by the UNCTAD-ISAR methodology, the Accounting Development Tool (ADT), is emphasized. The basic stages of the assessment process (ADT): from the establishment of the Working Group of Experts to peers’ review of reports and questionnaires by UNCTAD-ISAR experts and involved experts from EU member states are described by the authors. The necessity of monitoring the implementation and compliance with international accounting standards in the public sector, the development and consolidation of its basic principles at the international level and appropriate methodological support for its implementation are substantiated. Recommendations regarding the scope of the MC&E are presented.

Keywords:the UN, The Conference on Trade and Development, reforms in the field of accounting in Ukraine, the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS), the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), monitoring of compliance and enforcement for high-quality corporate reporting.

JEL: M41, M48.

Iefymenko T. . Accounting reform in Ukraine in the context of cooperation with the United Nations / T. . Iefymenko, L. . Lovinska // Фінанси України. - 2016. - № 11. - C. 11-0.

Article original in EnglishDownloadDownloads :909
Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 11 - 32) DownloadDownloads :816
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