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№ 10/2016

№ 10/2016

Fìnansi Ukr. 2016 (10): 77–0


KOVALCHYK Andrey Trofymovych, KOTLJAREVSKYJ Jaroslav 1

1SESE “Academy of Financial Management”, Research ID :
OrcID ID :

Prevention and aml: risk-based approach in the context of international cooperation

Threats of shadow economy sector growth and involvement of national banking system into legalization schemes of large-scale money laundering in measures of external negative influences, spreading corruption, instability of financial markets and foreign exchange rate cause increased vulnerability to financial threats of various kinds, distortion of the real processes in the national economy, and, consequently, the absence of confidence in the financial and economic system of Ukraine, as well as arising risks related to the possible introduction of the financial crisis. The above mentioned actualizes the necessity for investigation of effective tools, methods and mechanisms concerning combatting money laundering as proceeds of crime. There is an urgent need for detailed study of the phenomenon of uncertainty and risks that are currently faced as global international problems. Involvement and implementation of risk-based methods requires a profound understanding and processing. In the context of European integration processes, the key priorities of the specially authorized body on financial monitoring should be based on the best world practice for improving the normative-legal acts on combating legalization (laundering) of proceeds of crime, financing of terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Keywords:money laundering, shadow capital, risk-based approach legalization.

JEL: H19, K42, O17.

KOVALCHYK A. T. Prevention and aml: risk-based approach in the context of international cooperation / A. T. KOVALCHYK , J. . Kotljarevskyj // Фінанси України. - 2016. - № 10. - C. 77-0.

Article original in Ukrainian (pp. 77 - 88) DownloadDownloads :669
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